It is said that all things are big in Texas, and I can
attest that Christmas celebrations/events are no exception. So, we just love being at home in East Texas during
December. And if you come to stay a
spell (there are several new RV parks in the area), I am certain you
would have a grand time.
The holiday fun always begins for us at Livingston City
Hall, when illumination of all the display lights within Pedigo Park, within
Penguin Park, and outside all public buildings commences.These lights are available to view from the
Tuesday before Thanksgiving through the first week of January. The festivities
at City Hall include hot cocoa, snacks, performances by local school children,
and a “snow” making machine to get us all into the holiday spirit.
The decorated tree within City Hall.
I had to fight off some kiddies to get this photo!
Some of...
...the light displays... Pedigo Park.
As usual, we attended the annual “Walk Through Bethlehem” (held the first full weekend of December, Friday through Sunday).Sponsored by the First Baptist Church, it
depicts the life of Christ, from his humble birth (the true reason for this
joyful season) to his horrific crucifixion, and glorious resurrection. The set designs are a bit different each year, as are the actors.
Scene depicting the Angel Gabriel with the Virgin Mary.
Away in a Manger, Jesus is Born.
Jesus is condemned to death by Pontius Pilate.
Finding the empty tomb, Jesus is Risen.
As part of the Southeast Texas Patriot Guard Riders, we volunteered at George Bush Intercontinental Airport in Houston for “Snowball
Express”, one of many services provided by the Gary Sinese Foundation to
support the surviving families of fallen heroes.With the assistance of American Airlines, the
Foundation sponsors a fun-filled, week-long Disney World vacation to Gold Star
families. Held the first Saturday of
December, volunteers provide the perfect send-off, filled with games, treats,
gifts, entertainment, and memorable photos.And what a heart-warming
experience for us to see the miles of smiles as these families boarded the
plane.Even the rain during take-off
couldn’t put a damper on this special day.
The canine employees of the Department of Homeland Security really enjoyed this gig.
The Gold Star Families.
The first Sunday in December is always the Annual San
Jacinto High Rollers Motorcycle Toy Run. The High Rollers have sponsored this
event for 45 years (this was our 4th year of participation) to
benefit Boys and Girls Country of Houston, which offers children a safe,
loving, Christian group home environment.My parents, now fair-weather motorcycle riders, decided to “cage” it and
take the Jeep rather than Dad’s Maximus the Trike and Mom’s Yellow Jacket
bike.Good thing, too—it poured for the
bulk of the day.
Wreaths Across America is an event held across the U.S.A. the
second Saturday of December.The goal is
to remember and honor those who served our Nation in the Armed Forces. As
members of the East Texas Patriot Guard Riders (yes, we belong to 2 PGR groups due to Livingston's geographical area), we placed wreaths on the graves of
veterans at the Garden of Memories Cemetery in Lufkin, Texas.We also honored the memory of our local hero,
Stuart Moore, by visiting with his parents to place a wreath on his grave
within their family cemetery in Livingston.
The second Saturday in December is also when Hometown
Christmas occurs in Livingston.It is a
fun-filled day of food, vendors, and games for the kiddies.We arrived late in the afternoon to check out
all the booths.Thereafter, we set up
our chairs along Washington Street to view the Lighted Christmas Parade.I would have loved to be in the parade like
we did in prior years.But we just
couldn’t swing it timewise.We were
lucky just to cram in being spectators!
Me and my gal pal, Mademoiselle Rochelle, had a blast in this bounce house!
Some great entries...
...for the 2024 Livingston Lighted Christmas Parade.
We squeezed in a visit to Good Golly Miss Molly Gift Shop to
see the train exhibit sponsored by the Polk County Heritage Society.The trains are available to view every Friday
and Saturday from 5-7 p.m. starting Thanksgiving weekend.For the very first time, I completed the
“treasure hunt”, locating all the hidden figures within the set-up!Be sure to peruse the shop as well—it always
has some unique items.
We attended two concerts during December:The Livingston Area Community Band at First
Baptist Church and Vivaldi’s Gloria Concerto at First Methodist Church.Both were top notch performances that were
well received by the audience.
We continued our once-weekly volunteer efforts at Mannafest (our
local food pantry) and kept our tradition of ringing bells for the
Salvation Army 2 hours every week since Black Friday.(It is such a worthy organization, and all
the funds raised locally are dedicated to helping our neighbors within Polk
County.)Practice makes perfect, so
we attended dance lessons twice weekly to facilitate performing with our line
dancing group at 4 area senior living facilities in December.We enjoyed camaraderie at weekly ice cream
socials and joined in the caroling at Escapees Rainbow’s End, spreading good
One of 4 performances at senior living facilities at which we danced.
Heading over to meet up with the other carolers.
The Escapees CARE Center was our final caroling location.
We visited Livingston State Park for some hiking, taking in the wonderful Christmas display and the fall leaf colors (which are not very vibrant in this area).Somehow, we managed to play pickleball at least once weekly, too.As you can see, my Mom, who is our household scheduler, is excellent at time management.
Decorations at Livingston State Park.
Nothing is better than spending time with special friends,
and we had the opportunity to catch up with several throughout the holiday
Christmas party hosted by Diane and Roger at their home.
Dance group Christmas Party at the Cleveland VFW.
We had a blessed Christmas—I hope you all did as well!May we all enjoy peace, prosperity, good
health, and happiness in 2025!
Our Christmas Eve meal--a variation of the Feast of the 7 Fishes.
Christmas Day Entree - Mushroom/Spinach Stromboli. Real cheez cake for desert--a special treat!
Gifts from my Auntie Laurie, also known as the Wicked Witch of the East.
In addition to what my Mom/Dad sent to Aunt Laurie, I gifted her a very special bath towel--with a photo of yours truly printed on it!
Our family celebrating on New Year's Eve. Wishing you all peace, prosperity, happiness, and good health in 2025.
Well, I’ve got to go help
my parents pack up!We hit the road tomorrow, heading to our Southwest Arizona desert abode in Quartzsite.