Today was our first attempt at emptying the crapper using
our blue boy. Trust me, we experienced
some black tank nightmares in the past, so we were a little leery. (My human Grandma stuffed up the toilet pipe by using too much paper and
not enough water. The movie “RV” was not
far from the truth!). The stench was so horrendous!!! Worse than moldy cheese!!! But other than that, the task of pulling the tank and emptying the blue boy was quite uneventful, thank goodness.
My parents went to yet another Happy Hour, except this one was
a marathon! They left at 1 p.m. and didn’t
come back until 6 p.m.! But it was a
special occasion—they met up with members of the RV Dreams forum Steve and Dianne organized the event, and
everyone had a great time meeting face to face with the folks they knew only through
on-line postings. Steve and Dianne have
been so helpful to us—these “snowbirds” spent the last 4 winters at La Posa
South LTVA and know all the ins and outs of boon-docking here.
Daddy is intent on seeing scorpions, tarantulas, and snakes, but has been unsuccessful--until tonight! Outside with our ultraviolet flashlights, we just found our first scorpion specimen!
Now we hear the coyotes howling and yipping! Wish we could catch a glimpse of them. But alas, my eyes are getting heavy--it is way past my bedtime!
Talk to you soon!